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Arno Vale Junior School



We hope to upload the homework each half term so that it is available if your paper copy goes missing or if you are absent when it is handed out. We shall try to do this for each homework although there are occasions when this is not possible. If the homework is not available here, please encourage your child to ask their teacher for a new paper copy - we always print extra!


As a reminder, we expect the children to practise their times tables, learn their spellings and read for at least 10 minutes each day. 


The spellings for the homework are taken from the Year 3 and Year 4 National Curriculum spelling list. If you feel your child can securely and confidently spell the spellings for a particular week, please encourage them to apply the words within sentences. This will allow your child to show they are confident in not only applying the spelling of the word, but also show they understand the context it can be used within a sentence. 

Times Tables

Have a look at these websites to help you practise your times tables. You can also ask your teacher for some resources too. and

Ways to Practise Spellings

Here are some different ways to learn your spellings. 


1. Pyramid writing.

Write the word out in the shape of a pyramid. Start at the top with the first letter and add a new letter on each line. 

e.g.       d







2. Trace, Copy, Replicate

Fold a piece of paper in half. In the first column write the spellings you are trying to learn. You may need to ask an adult to help or check. Trace the word while you say it out loud. In the second column, copy the word while you say it out loud again. Then turn the paper over and write the word on the back. You could make this more tricky by practising two or even three words at once!


3. Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

1. Look at the word carefully. If there is one part that is more difficult, look at that bit in more detail.

2. Say the word as you look at it. You could use different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable.

3. Cover the word.

4. Write the word from memory. Say the word as you write.

5. Check you have got it right. If not, repeat the process.

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